About Lloxie
Welcome to my "about me" profile page. Here you'll find various bits of info about me and my fursona.
You can find my social media, gallery, and other links here.Oh, and it's pronounced "lock-see", in case you were wondering!
Lloxie the Person
I've identified myself as a furry since I first learned the term back around the turn of the century or so, though I started being active in the fandom in '02 or '03. I've kept a fairly low profile most of that time, but I've been on a lot of different sites and platforms.
Hobbies & Interests
Furry stuff in general
Gender, Orientation, etc.
Gender: I don't really care if you use he/him, she/her, or they/them with me. Any of those are fine. I've always chafed at gender roles, but it wasn't until late 2023/early 2024 that I thought that might "mean" anything. I was AMAB and while I do wish I could present a bit more feminine or at least androgynous, I absolutely have no plans to start taking hormones, let alone undergo any surgeries. That said, I officially consider myself nonbinary/genderfluid now.Orientation: I've flown the bisexual banner since roughly 2005 or so. Again, given what a confusing landscape the whole gender thing is, I'm not sure if this is the most accurate term or not, but it fits well enough. I waver back and forth across that spectrum, but usually balance out somewhere around the middle.
Lloxie the Phasefox
My fursona is a phasefox (vulpes somnium-phasmatis), a species I made up. Lloxie, specifically, is basically an avatar for myself online and in the furry world in general. About phasefoxes:
Phasefoxes have the ability to "phase" through solid things and generally become intangible.
They have a set of "tassles" or whatever you want to call them attached to the tips of their ears that are permanently "phased" state, so they're just kind of there and faintly glowing at times.
Phasefoxes also have limited shapeshifting- they can take on male, female, and intersex forms, as well as anthro/bipedal, feral/quadrupedal, and sometimes (rarely) taur form. Their anthro/bipedal form tends to be on the more "cutesy" or "toony" side in terms of appearance.
Likes, dislikes, and my "Big Nopes" (others might call them "triggers" but that word has been tainted) can be seen by clicking the button below.
The following button will take you to another page with more adult-oriented info about me. Do NOT click if you are under 18!
This page last updated on: 1-8-2024
This is a non-exhuastive list of various things I like and dislike. Do note the "visceral hatreds" section- those things are separated because of the extreme effect they tend to have on me. I call them my "biggest nopes" and they're generally the first thing I blacklist on any site/platform I join. I hate to use the word "triggering" but these are some cases where it kind of applies to me. Especially the first two. Please avoid bringing them up around me, thanks.(There's also some expansion on them in my NSFW profile section)
Loves & Likes
Cute things
Soft things
Cuddles, snuggles, hugs, generally being held, etc.
Wholesome comics
Comfort stories
The color blue
Neon colors
Pastel colors
"Feral"/quadrupedal characters
Shapeshifting, shapeshifers, and various TF shenanigans!
Furry / Animal Species
Foxes (especially fennecs! <3)
Maned wolves
African wild/painted dogs
Canines in general
Bnuuys (bunnies)
Horses / pones
Many others... too many to list!
...various others!
Dislikes and Annoyances
Violence in general (except in fiction, and even that can vary)
Yelling & shouting
Controlling & manipulative people
Visceral Hatreds
Hypno / mind-control / etc.
Cruelty / sadism in general